UPDATE: Manchester City player responds to news of West Ham United agreeing terms for a signing

Manchester City youngster James McAtee expressed his reaction on social media after West Ham United confirmed the signing of Wes Foderingham.

West Ham United announced the signing of goalkeeper Wes Foderingham on a free transfer after his contract with Sheffield United expired. Former teammate James McAtee, a young player from Manchester City, congratulated Foderingham on the move by commenting on West Ham’s announcement post on Instagram, saying, “All the best brother.”

Foderingham, at 33 years old, joins West Ham as a backup option under manager Julen Lopetegui, with Alphonse Areola continuing as the club’s primary goalkeeper. Despite Foderingham’s challenging season with Sheffield United in the Premier League, the move provides a fresh start for both parties this summer.

While the signing of Foderingham may not have generated the same level of excitement among West Ham fans as earlier acquisitions, such as Luis Guilherme, his arrival as a utility goalkeeper on a free transfer has been generally well-received. Tim Steidten has taken charge of transfers for West Ham this summer following David Moyes’ departure, and Foderingham’s signing represents a proactive step in the early stages of the transfer window.

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