Jon Wilkin claims that a man connected to Salford and Hull FC isn’t worth £180,000.

**Hull FC and Salford Linked with Wests Tigers’ John Bateman, but Price Tag Debated**

By Robert McHugh
June 16, 2024

The Wests Tigers have stirred the Super League transfer market by making several of their top players available at reduced prices. Among these players, John Bateman has been frequently linked with Hull FC and Salford Red Devils.

Reports from the Australian press indicate that Wests’ Chief Executive, Shane Flanagan, has traveled to the UK with the goal of lowering the team’s salary cap by offloading several high-earning players. John Bateman, a former Wigan Warriors player and current England international, is at the forefront of these transfer discussions, expressing openness to a return to the Super League.

Other notable names available include half-back Jayden Sullivan and utility back Brent Naden. Despite being under contract for 2025 and beyond in Sullivan’s case—having joined the club recently on a multi-year deal—both players are reportedly up for grabs.

This move comes as the Tigers prepare to sign Samoan superstar Jarome Luai in the upcoming close season. To accommodate Luai’s five-year, $6 million deal, Wests must balance their books by shedding some of their current top earners.

However, Jon Wilkin has voiced concerns over the valuation of these players, particularly questioning whether the £180,000 price tag for the Hull FC and Salford-linked Bateman is justified.

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